ART colours

Park Hotel Tokyo & ART colours

Since ancient times, the Japanese have had the wisdom to integrate various aspects of nature into daily life. They have an untiring love affair with the four seasons.
The blessings of nature change with the seasons, and are always accompanied by a change of colours.
A sense of emotions expressed by colour together with the five senses is a distinctive feature of the Japanese sense of beauty.
ART colours is an attempt to find that sense of beauty.
Through Japanese artworks, a fresh look at art, culture and life can be experienced.
To touch the beauty of the soul, surely a hotel which refreshes mind and body, and where more time is available for relaxation than in art museums, is an ideal venue for such an experience.
The staff of the Park Hotel Tokyo, with their understanding and pride of their own culture, look forward to welcoming you with traditional seasonal Japanese hospitality to our atrium sky garden in the heart of the bustling Tokyo metropolis.
We invite you to enjoy cultural exchange through the medium of art.


Yuji Kanamaru WILD PLANET -Spring of Life- Art Exhibition

Yuji Kanamaru WILD PLANET -Spring of Life- Art Exhibition will be held as the 24th exhibition of ART colours which celebrates the four seasons of Japan with art.
Having overcome the harsh winter, all living things are awakening to greet the oncoming spring, and this season at the Park Hotel Tokyo, these painted animals are coming to life. The Earth…


“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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