Beauty of Akita

No. 21 by Yuka Ohtani

Akita is a prefecture situated in the north of Japan. Ms. Ohtani says “Since I started living in the Akita region, coming in contact with the scenery, history and lifestyle of the people there, I became more strongly aware of my own identity as a Japanese person”. The work she created is a room decorated all over with Akita cedarwood, and is a fusion of Japanese and Western styles. Past the cedarwood forest painting at the room entrance, right in front, there’s a cedarwood window frame, and through it, a moat with glorious lotus flowers in bloom. On the left wall, in the guise of a sliding screen, there are camellia japonica flowers, while the ceiling has a “cracked ice” pattern, often used for pottery or designing Japanese-style rooms, but here fashioned in cedarwood. In the guise of the upper closet, there’s a painted window frame, and through it, “Nishimonai Bon-Odori” summer festival dancers, while in the closet are painted pole lanterns of the “Akita Kanto Festival”. This room offers guests a myriad of images testifying to the beauty of the Akita region of Japan.
We hope that in the Artist Room Beauty of Akita with its cedarwood fragrance, you will enjoy the exquisite beauty for which Japan is famous.

Room #3129  |  Completion Date: March 2016

Artist's Message

Since I moved my creative base to Akita City in 2013, I had an opportunity to come in contact with the scenery and history of Akita, as well as the lifestyle of the people there. This reminded me even more strongly of my Japanese cultural identity, and I began painting a series of works which depicts flowers, entitled “Floral Figures”, which embodies the Japanese sense of beauty and aesthetics.
This artist’s room is an extension of the series’ concept.
Akita cedarwood is used all over the room, creating the Japanese spirit of “harmony”, and there are many scenic paintings of Akita which I selected. I hope guests who stay in this room can experience the beauty of Akita, and the fine Japanese sense of aesthetics.

In creating this artist’s room, I was supported by the following individuals and organizations, to whom I would like to extend special thanks.
Mr. Koji Adachi, Associate Professor, Institute of Wood Technology, Akita Prefectural University / Mr. Tetsuji Satsuma, Akita Wood Technology Transfer Foundation / Mr. Shinji Koshiyama, Executive Vice President, Koshiyama Co., Ltd. / bonnyColArt Co., Ltd. / Akita City / Akita City Kanto Festival Association / Akita University of Art

Yuka Ohtani

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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