Japanese Angel

No.29 by Yuki Ninagawa

The 29th Artist Room “Japanese Angel” was started by Yuki Ninagawa on November 28, 2016 and completed on December 21, 2016.

Ninagawa had painted the room based on the image of a beautiful Japanese angel descending and dancing among roses. Barababy and Baraluna, original characters created by Ninagawa, are drawn here and there on the room walls.

Park Hotel Tokyo hopes that guests will enjoy the serene and feminine work in Artist Room Japanese Angel.

Room #3103  |  Completion Date: December 2016

Artist's Message

Japanese Angel in Roses

Japanese angels are wearing a thin feathered costume called a hagoromo. A beautiful Japanese angel floated down to the earth where roses bloom. In Japan, from the time of the Manyoshu (the earliest existing anthology of Tanka poems, regarded as the starting point of Japanese culture and literature), there was a kind of single flowered briar rose called “ibara” or “ubara”. It is slightly different from the Western rose, quiet and quaint. There is also a haiku (a very short form of Japanese poetry) by Yosa Buson which goes: “Prey to melancholy, I climbed the hill and found briar roses in bloom”. I hope you spend a pleasant, comfortable time in this room where Japanese angels had floated down to. Everywhere you look, there is a character named Barababy and a unicorn named Baraluna.
Please try to find out how many of them there are in the Artist Room Japanese Angel.

Yuki Ninagawa

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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