
No. 28 by Daisuke Kagawa

The 28th Artist Room “Jomon” was started by Daisuke Kagawa on November 14, 2016 and completed on December 23, 2016.

Kagawa had painted the room thinking of the “Jomon” people, who rejoiced their creations in ancient Japan over 10,000 years ago. The subject of the work is the spirit of Japanese people, which had been cultivated since the prehistoric Jomon period, designed to enjoy the beauty of the seasons and nature.

Park Hotel Tokyo hopes that guests will enjoy their stay in Artist Room Jomon, being surrounded by the elaborate piece of work taking ancient earthenware as a motif.

Room #3121  |  Completion Date: December 2016

Artist's Message

In ancient Japan, there was an age known as the “Jomon” era which lasted more than 10,000 years. Since many earthenware objects which symbolized fire, water and earth have been excavated, I believe that in this age when people were hunter-gatherers, they were more connected with nature than in the following age when their lives came to be based on agriculture. The earth gives life to trees which become forests and mountains, rivers flow into the sea, and in the sky, there are the sun, moon and stars. Human life coexisted with nature, and its abundance has been passed down to us today through these relics. Human life surrounded by the four seasons and nature, and the human spirit which rejoices in their beauty, exist not only in Japan but all over the world.

It would give me great pleasure if you experience this in this room.
I did the paintings here thinking of the “Jomon” people, who rejoiced in their creations.

Daisuke Kagawa

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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