Mount Fuji

No.30 by Shiki Taira

The 30th Artist Room “Mount Fuji” was started by artist Shiki Taira on May 19, 2017 and completed on July 31, 2017.

#3110 is one of the rooms on the Tokyo Tower side, which has a larger window. On a clear day, you can see Mount Fuji in the distance.
“I wanted to create a room where guests will be surrounded by auspicious Japanese motifs”, says Taira. When you open the door and walk through the bright red gate entrance fashioned like a torii gate, you’ll see a variety of gods flying around in the sky above Mount Fuji. On the opposite wall is the Seven Lucky Gods on a treasure ship.

Please enjoy a happy stay, viewing 2 Mount Fujis and being surrounded by various Japanese gods.

Room #3110  |  Completion Date: July 2017

Artist's Message

From this room, Mt. Fuji looks very beautiful, so I made Mt. Fuji the central theme, and I surrounded it with auspicious Japanese motifs.
When you open the door, and go through the bright red entrance fashioned like a torii gate, you see a variety of gods flying around in the sky. In the evening, the gods reflected in the windows really seem to be flying in the sky.
They are lucky Japanese motifs such as the Fujin (Wind God), Raijin (Thunder God), Shichifukujin (Seven Lucky Gods) and Ichimoku-sama (One-Eyed God), and although you can feel their strength, I decorated the room so that you can spend a quiet time here.

I hope that lots of wonderful happiness comes to all who stay in this room.

Shiki Taira

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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