
No. 3 by Naoki Takenouchi

The artist Naoki Takenouchi stayed at the hotel from the 14th of November to the 30th of November, 2013, and created works on the theme, Washi or, Japanese Paper.
He says: “Japanese paper, which lends itself to so many forms of expression, is a perfect material for me to work with.
Using the unique features of Japanese paper, passed down to us from ancient Japan, I stuck it on the walls, or printed on it with woodblocks and stuck those papers on the walls, or twirled it around and around to make lampshades. I wanted to create an amusing room and with 108 demi-gods arranged to symbolize the famed Japanese God of Wind and God of Thunder, I hope I have achieved this.”

Room #3122  |  Completion Date: November 2013

Artist's Message

Takenouchi uses Japanese paper in all his works and as we desire all of our AIH rooms to symbolize Japan in some form or another, we found this to be an impeccable fit.
“I started wood engraving 30 years ago. As I started cutting all those years ago, I became totally absorbed, and large works took shape one after another.
Eventually, I was no longer satisfied with wood engraving, and expanded the field of expression from two dimensions to the world of three.
I continue to strive for an environment where I can express myself freely and with this room which features the unique characteristics of Japanese paper, which has been used since ancient times in Japan, I have been able to do so.
Washi can be painted, printed, crumpled, folded or rolled, and it’s strong.
You can do whatever you like with it, so it is a perfect material for me to work with.
I hope that all who stay in the Washi AIH room have a relaxing experience surrounded by Japanese tradition and creativity.”

Naoki Takenouchi

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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