
No. 2 by Seihaku Akiba

The Artist Room Zen was produced by calligrapher Seihaku Akiba under the concept of “a room
where people can find tranquility in an urban setting.”
Akiba has scribed powerful Japanese characters on the room walls as if he was performing iainuki, the art of quick sword drawing.
Also placed in the room are paulownia wood boxes which represent the four seasons,
as well as tatami mats on which guests can sit and meditate, a practice known as zazen.

Room #3113  |  Completion Date: June 2013

Artist's Message

For many years the concept of zen has been attracting attention not only in Japan, but from people all over the world.
It is said that John Lennon, Steve Jobs and John Cage were all deeply influenced by the culture and spirit of zen in Japan.
Zen is like a great wave that, without presumptions and thoughts, can reach the end of the universe.
Akiba states, “I created this room in order to help all understand the depth of the spirituality and tradition of Japan.
When entering the room, you can commit oneself to the world of zen instantaneously.
It is divided into “dynamic” and “static” – “dynamic” means spiritual strength or power of the mind,
whereas “static” means unhurried tranquility of mind.
On the tatami woven mat, I would also encourage all to practise zazen.
In this unique room, the only one in the world, I would like you to experience the world view of zen.”

Seihaku Akiba

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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