Asuka Tsutsumi Art Exhibition – Spring Festival of Blessing –

Artworks Recommended by “3 Concierges of OMOTENASHI”

Asuka Tsutsumi Art Exhibition – Spring Festival of Blessing – is held as the 28th ART colours exhibition where artworks can be enjoyed along with the four seasons of Japan.

Six concierges of “3 Concierges of OMOTENASHI”(*) have each selected an artwork, and interviewed the two artists. Below are their introductory comments accordingly. The artworks are selected with the intent of enjoying Japan’s four seasons through art.

Please enjoy the introductory comments together with the art.

Art Concierge Asuka Shiraki
“Vibration, Green”
The World is full of infinite hope and possibility.
In the past, when I heard the word ‘Infinite’, for some reason I felt solitude and under pressure. Similar to how this art piece was drawn in a way that it overlooks the world, now I try to broaden my horizons and have a larger perspective on everything.
The Artist Asuka Tsutsumi draws ‘dots’ which represent energy.
These dots suggest hope and possibility, which can be said to be a prominent aspect of a human’s energy.
I highly recommend this somewhat nostalgic yet heart-warming piece.

Art Concierge Kanae Takasawa
“Blessing (Deer)”
The artist said that she has painted this artwork with the image of energy spreading to the world. I felt that the dark color used in the background represents the long and dark winter, and in contrast, the flowers and deer of the bright and divine colors represent the energy filled with the warm and vitality of spring. I recommend this artwork suitable for blessing the spring.
Let’s feel the spring energy of the flowers and deer!

Art Concierge Kenta Yamada
“Strength, Femininity”
I wonder what is femininity and strength.
I suspect that we all have different thoughts of them. The artist mentions that the vast extent of sea, pomegranate and lion in the art piece appears something similar to femininity.
This art piece reminds me my mother who has raised me with the strong heart like a lion’s, the big heart like an ocean and the mature mind like pomegranate fruits.
Let’s feel a sense of energy radiating from this art piece.

Lobby Concierge Jung-Hwan Kim
“Over Look #3”
This time I have chosen as my recommendation of art piece entitled 「over look #3」. I enjoy the perspective of looking down from the sky that is expressed in this work. You get the feeling of looking down from an airplane flying in the clear blue sky. If you look closely at the art piece, you can see the tiny fragments in the lines making up the design. Each one is beautifully and meticulously expressed. This art piece has delightful and unique colors which are expressed remarkably well through the texture of the surface in ways that paint brushes itself could not achieve.
One of the attractions of this art piece is the freedom to see it as a totally different thing by the imagination of the viewer.

Restaurant Concierge Ieva Valuckaite
“Red Dragon”
I was immediately attracted by the charm of the dragon which symbolizes strength and luck, I chose Red Dragon as a recommended artwork.
According to Feng Shui’s thought, a dragon-shaped stream floating under the earth has strong energy that creates power spots. Artist Tsutsumi who travels to those power spots for divine energy absorption, says without mincing words that she has energetic healing ability in her artworks including Red Dragon which enunciates upward energy stream. It is one of the biggest dragons of this exhibition and I decided to recommend it because of its deep message. The main colors express positive and vibrant. Red broadcasts life force and blue circles express purification. I hope that its cheerful message which along with the energy it vibrates, brightens your day.

Restaurant Concierge Rivington Yamamoto
“Holy Dragon”
My first choice is ”Holy Dragon”. I was attracted by the its distinct form of this Dragon in the painting. ”Ryujin”(Dragon God) was and still believed and worshiped in shrines and temples throughout the nation for prosperity and other divine favors. Asuka Tsutsumi (artist) also a spiritual healer, traveled around Japan to visit these shrines to learn and feel the aspects of Ryujin. Through the energy she perceives, she translate it through her paintings and healing sessions.
The methods she used to draw this piece was gathering dots and using them to outline what she feels to draws, in this case, a Dragon. She refers these colorful dots as energy from living organisms and sacred energy she feels from creatures and animals.
Ryujin gives us believers these divine favors and provide us energy, joy, and happiness…I am also an appeased one through this Holy Dragon.

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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