2 New Artist Room “Jomon” & “Japanese Angel” Completed

Park Hotel Tokyo announced on January 17 that 2 new Artist Rooms, “Jomon” and “Japanese Angel” will be available for stay from the same day. These were decoration of standard rooms by selected Japanese artists painting on walls and ceiling while staying at the hotel, based on the concept “Beauty of Japan”.

As the 28th artist room in series, the subject of artist Daisuke Kagawa’s work was the spirit of the Japanese people, which had been cultivated since the Jomon period to enjoy the beauty of the seasons and nature; the work was completed on December 23, 2017.

In Artist Room Japanese Angel, artist Yuki Ninagawa had completed it on December 21, 2017 as the 29th in the series; it is based on the image of a Japanese Angel descending among roses.

General Manager, Yoshiaki Hayashi said:
“Kagawa’s ‘Jomon’ is an elaborate work taking ancient earthenware as motif, while Ninagawa’s ‘Japanese Angel’ is more serene and feminine work, just as artist herself is. These contrasting rooms are the 2 newest additions to the Artist Rooms series. Each artist’s view of world represents ‘Beauty of Japan’ in their own way.”

Park Hotel Tokyo hopes that guests will enjoy ‘Beauty of Japan’ as it has been created by these artists.

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Artist Room Queen Japanese Angel
Artist Room Single Jomon
Artist Room Queen Japanese Angel
Artist Room Single Jomon
Artist Room Queen Japanese Angel
Artist Room Single Jomon
Artist Room Queen Japanese Angel
Artist Room Single Jomon
Artist Room Japanese Angel
Artist Room Single Jomon

2 New Artist Room “Jomon” & “Japanese Angel” Completed

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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