Artist Room Dragon

In December 2012 , the Park Hotel Tokyo (in the Shiodome Media Tower) began a project known as Artist in Hotel” where an entire guestroom was decorated by an artist. The 4th room in this series, Artist Room Dragon”, is now ready.

“Artist in Hotel” means that an artist stays in the hotel himself, and while absorbing the atmosphere of the place as he uses the facilities and services, converts his guestroom to a work of art. Based on the main concept of “The Japanese Sense of Beauty”, he paints pictures directly on the walls of the room, and fixes original paintings and objects to the walls, so that the whole room becomes a room which conveys the artist’s view of the world. The 1st room, “Sumo”, the 2nd room, “Zen”, and the 3rd room, Washi, Japanese paper”, are mainly rented out to guests from overseas.

The 4th room, with the theme of “Dragon”, was created when the artist Kiyoko Abe stayed in our hotel for 10 days from 11th January to 21st January. Looking out over Tokyo Tower from the huge window, the Dragon floats in. Taking the walls of the room as if they were a horizontal sheet of paper, she painted the story of the natural world. She says: “I want guests who stay in this room with its wonderful view, to view the panorama of modern Japan beneath their eyes, while at the same time realizing that people have lived, and are now living, in the raw world of Nature”. The Dragon flying all over the room symbolizes the energy of Nature, and she hopes that this room (= space) will come alive with the Dragon’s energy.

A scroll of Nature drawn with all her strength.
A masterwork.

[Artist Room Dragon Outline]
Opening: February 1st 2014 (both online and phone reservations accepted)
Room Rate: 40,000 yen per night for two persons (excluding taxes and service charges)
Reservations and other questions: +81-3-6252-1100
[Co-operation] Hagurodo (
[Production] creative unit moon (

Kiyoko Abe profile
Artist born 1970, in Tokyo.
Draws portraits with “sumi” (Japanese ink), on the lines of modern people.
Her personal reticence is directly reflected in works that manifest a mixture of strength and fragility, and her pictures of women with great insight despite their instability have received very high acclaim.

Click here to download PDF version.

Artist Room King Dragon
by Kiyoko Abe
Artist Kiyoko Abe, drawing on the wall
Artist Room King Dragon
Artist Room King Dragon
by Kiyoko Abe
Artist Room King Dragon
by Kiyoko Abe
Artist Room King Dragon
by Kiyoko Abe

Artist Room Dragon

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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