The “Artist Room Kabuki” is now completed

The Park Hotel Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), in December 2012, started the “Artist in Hotel” project where an artist decorates an entire guestroom.  The project is still in progress.  By 2016, all the guestrooms on the 31st floor will be so decorated, and the “Artist Room Kabuki”, the 22th in the series, has now been completed (*).

At the Park Hotel Tokyo, in our efforts to enhance the satisfaction of our overseas guests whose numbers are increasing, we are creating a space on the theme of Japanese beauty.  As part of this effort, the 24th Artist Room on the theme of “Kabuki“, which was started by artist OZ – Yamaguchi Keisuke on June 20, 2016, continued the work for 16 days while staying at the hotel, and completed it on July 5, 2016.

“I feel the “beauty of Japan” has, since ancient times, continued to live on in the essence of everything Japanese, such as thought, faith, culture and art”, says OZ – Yamaguchi Keisuke. The art on the wall is created based on “Yanone”, an auspicious program usually performed in Kabuki shows during the New Year and captures the beauty of Japanese culture which encompasses ambiguity and reality.

Created using graceful, flowing circles and curves, the drawing of the horse on the wall gives a vibrant and dynamic feel to the room. The artist has used a bold composition consisting of only arms and legs to express the movement of Kabuki. Its sense of presence is effectively conveyed through the circles drawn to conceal reality. The bright red color stands out from the soft-colored wall. In contrast, drawn lightly on the opposite side of the bed are plums used as Kabuki props. When you open the closet, you will be greeted by sullen-faced Joruri whose singing voices seem almost audible even today. In addition, another highlight of this room is its bathroom. Soaking in the bath while enjoying the impressive painting is definitely a first-class experience.

Enjoy an eccentric stay at the Artist Room Kabuki.


[ Artist Room Kabuki Outline ]

Opening: July 22, 2016 (online and phone reservations accepted)
Room: Artist Room King (double occupancy), 26square meters
Bed size:2,000 × 1,950 mm
Rate:  50,000 yen per night for two persons (including taxes and service charge)
Reservation and inquiry: +81 (0)3-6252-1100
Producer: creative unit moon

* Artist Room Kabuki started as the 24th room in project, and completed as the 22st room.

[ Profile of
OZ – Yamaguchi Keisuke ]

All things trace a circle around a primordial thought of circulation in the middle.  This image continues to amplify itself through the body, and using a unique approach, is expressed and created.
In nature, touching the trees and soil, I dissolve into the earth.

Started LivePaint from 2001, in the pursuit of extemporaneity and specificity of each location.  Also decorate the insides and outsides of shops, and plan exhibitions and exhibits.
In recent years, working on large “ema” for offerings and paintings for picture explanation, which fused unique Japanese thought and feeling.
I continue to search for the “something” hidden in all things.

2011 Drew large ema entitled “Onbashirataisai Gyoretsuzu” (Procession at Onbashira Festival), dedicated it to Takei Shrine in Nagano Prefecture
2013 Drew large ema entitled “Chitosenomiya Shukireisai Mikoshi Togyozu” (Mikoshi Carrying at Chitose no Miya Shukireisai Festival), dedicated it to Chitose no Miya in Nagano Prefecture
2014 Invited and participated in international art festival in Iceland
Drew “Zenkojimairi Etokizu” (Picture Explanation of Zenkoji visit), and participated in developing new culture of picture explanation
2015 Invited and participated in international art festival in Turkey
2016 Drew large ema entitled “Azumaku Kannondo Konjaku Ezu” (Past and Present Drawing of Tofukuji Azumaku), dedicated it to Tofukuji Azumaku Kannondo in Nagano Prefecture
Selected as the winner of the inaugural RONIN-GLOBUS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM
Solo Exhibition “I – My – Me” at gallery151A, Tokyo

Paintbrush is still running now.

Click here to download PDF version.

Artist Room King Kabuki
by OZ – Yamaguchi Keisuke
Portrait of artist, OZ – Yamaguchi Keisuke
Artist Room King Kabuki
Arm and leg drawn to express movement of Kabuki
Artist Room
Kabuki drawing in bathroom
Artist Room King Kabuki
Sullen-faced Joruri inside the closet
Artist Room King Kabuki

The “Artist Room Kabuki” is now completed

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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