The “Artist Room Wabi-Sabi” is now completed

The Park Hotel Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), in December 2012, started the “Artist in Hotel” project where an artist decorates an entire guestroom. The project is still in progress. By 2016, all the guestrooms on the 31st floor will be so decorated, and the “Artist Room Wabi-Sabi”, the 24th in the series, has now been completed (*).

At the Park Hotel Tokyo, in our efforts to enhance the satisfaction of our overseas guests whose numbers are increasing, we are creating a space on the theme of Japanese beauty. As part of this effort, the 22nd room Artist Room on the theme of “Wabi-Sabi“, which was started by artist Conami Hara on April 5, 2016, continued the work for about 4 months while staying at the hotel and commuting to and from it, and completed it on July 29, 2016.

“Through the repeated discussions with the hotel team, I came up with the match of images of karesansui (arid landscape) and the sulfurized silver foils, which reminded me of the theme Wabi-Sabi“, says Hara. Hara painted the walls with her recently-favored driftwood motif to resemble the garden stones at Ryoanji, one of the popular rock garden in Kyoto. Using silver foils, one of Japanese traditional art techniques as well as painting materials, Hara had turned each wall into a rainbow of reds, browns and blues.

There are total of 15 driftwoods painted on the wall in this room. The ripple marks on the sand of the rock garden was expressed by slathered paint on the walls. In addition, just as one of the 15 stones in Ryoanji’s rock garden is always hidden no matter what position you view it from, one piece of driftwood is hidden in this room. A special atmosphere in the room is created by the unique appearance and texture of the silver foils, which are produced by the chemical reaction. The beautiful atmosphere felt here is not what can be manually manipulated. The changes with time that occur in silver foil left all over the space, and the passage of time, are also part of the work.

In the Artist Room Wabi-Sabi, you can experience a unique feeling, as though you are in a miniature universe.

[ Artist Room Wabi-Sabi Outline ]
Opening: August 22, 2016 (online and phone reservations accepted)
Room: Artist Room Queen (double occupancy), 22square meters
Bed size:1,600 × 1,950 mm
Rate: 40,000 yen per night for two persons (including taxes and service charge)
Reservation and inquiry: +81 (0)3-6252-1100
Producer: creative unit moon

[ Profile of Conami Hara ]

Born in 1987, in Hokkaido, Japan, and now live in Tokyo.
Material and techniques of Japanese painting are used in her artworks.

《 Solo Exhibitions 》

2009 2 people Exhibition “core”, Gallery SPACEKIDS, Tokyo
2011 Selection exhibition of the graduation school year,
“Joshibi Style ★ Forefront” selection
BankART Studio NYK, Kanagawa
“On oneself scene1 -HILOKI Direction-“, Gallery Kitai, Tokyo
2012 “HILOKI’S ART EXHIBITION”, J-trip Art Gallery, Tokyo
“Exhibition on the iPhone Case”, SAN-AI GALLERY, Tokyo
Exhibition “iPhone case × Artists”, Isetan Shinjuku Main Building, Tokyo
2014 Exhibition “The Memory” vol.19, SAN-AI GALLERY, Tokyo
“Sapporo Mirai Exhibition”, Sapporo Tokeidai gallery, Hokkaido and
Aomori Museum of Art, Aomori
2015 Exhibition “Capture-2”, Gallery Q, Tokyo
《 Group Exhibitions》

2012 ArtExpo NewYork 2012 / 32nd Exhibition “Export of Japanese Art”, exhibited
from Gallery Kitai
Production of bar counter, store interior decoration, and more.

* Artist Room Wabi-Sabi started as the 22th room in project, and completed as the 24th room

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Artist Room Queen Wabi-Sabi
by artist Conami Hara
Portrait of artist, Conami Hara
Artist Room Queen Wabi-Sabi
Artist Room Queen Wabi-Sabi
Artist Conami Hara, pasting silver foils on to the wall
Artist Room Queen Wabi-Sabi
A piece of driftwood painted on the wall
Artist Room Queen Wabi-Sabi

The “Artist Room Wabi-Sabi” is now completed

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanes Beauty”

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